
What is a Digital Marketing Strategy?

By April 7, 2023 No Comments

What is a Digital Marketing Strategy?

A digital marketing strategy involves assessing what specific goals can be achieved through the use of online channels. The successful implementation of a digital marketing strategy can be crucial to an organization’s success, particularly in an era when more and more consumers transact business on mobile devices.

Differentiating digital marketing and digital strategy is vital. Digital marketing is a critical asset in reaching your objectives through your online presence. Electronic devices like cell phones or tablets keep us connected 24/7, and this kind of exposure casts the net wide open to find your buyer personas easily.

You’ll need an effective digital marketing strategy to reach your target audience and achieve your small or large benchmark goals. Your strategy is a tactic to create value and draw consumers in. Hitting these objectives means knowing what mediums your interested parties are on.

Why Have a Digital Marketing Strategy?

To survive in competitive markets, you must stay active to remain relevant. As the popularity of digital marketing increases, industry leaders are studying the advantages of online marketing versus older, seemingly outdated platforms like radio, newspaper, and television.

The biggest reward—you’re now reaching a global audience. Reach and convert customers by keeping your workflow organized.

Key Components of a Digital Marketing Strategy

Use the Acronym SMART

Refer to this list with any goal you set as a reminder to keep your objectives Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. As you build your strategy, SMART will help you keep your metrics organized to construct future strategies—increasing your KPIs and ROI.

Establish an Accredited Team

Every marketer needs a digital portfolio to show credibility. Authoritative voices make your brand credible in both your field and the digital sphere. The pace of online competition is fierce, so you must head into your strategy prepared. Advance your team’s talent further and consider investing in programs. Additional training gives you the advantage to gain new insights into the digital marketing realm for the most efficient strategy.

Audience Awareness is a Must

Once a tricky tactic, digital analytics, and resources have made finding and reaching your target audience much simpler. Platforms like HubSpot and Google Analytics provide statistics on who is viewing your company. Now, you can specify those you’re trying to reach through age, location, gender, interest, education, and more. Online presence and awareness are your biggest assets.

Refer to the Buyer Experience

Remember the buyer experience by referring to the stages of your marketing funnel. Revisit questions like:

  • How and where did the customer first become aware of our brand?
  • What is the customer’s interest?
  • How are customers evaluating our brand?

Build a Strategy

Reference the information you’ve compiled for the next step—building your strategy and campaign. After evaluating your goals, like calculating lead generation, make sure they’re attainable. Now, it’s time to get active!

How to Track Progress?

One must understand how to invest their money. Many business owners cast a wide net in early marketing strategy. Flinging everything they can at the wall to see what sticks. However, suppose you’re wasting money on print ads, Google AdWords, and SEO and get little return on your investment. In that case, you must re-strategize and split the money between your two productive marketing initiatives.

Continuing to invest in marketing plans that are not resulting in conversions is similar to setting a stack of cash on fire. You want to put your marketing capital where it will yield the best results so you can enjoy the most benefits. However, tracking is the only way to determine where to direct your funds.

Take a look at these five methods for determining the performance of your marketing strategy.

1. Analytics for Your Website

Google Analytics is the most powerful and comprehensive tracking solution available, which collects data in an easily manageable format and allows you to track the success of your marketing efforts.

2. Conversion Tracking for Ad Networks

Conversion monitoring is essential since it shows how well your campaign functions in phone calls, website transactions, newsletter sign-ups, app downloads, and more.

3. Phone Monitoring

Call logging is one of the most efficient ways to use one of your top lead generation sources as it helps you keep track of who is calling from where and where your money is best spent.

Increase your knowledge about Mobile Marketing with just a click!

4. CRM Monitoring

Salespeople construct profiles for all of their prospects using a CRM, including their name, company, phone number, lead source, and any other information during the sales process.

5. KPI Monitoring

A key performance indicator (KPI) is any data that gives insight into the effectiveness of your campaign. You may efficiently assess the efficacy of your marketing activities by keeping track of KPIs and putting them into one easily consumable list.

Today, marketing is predominantly data-driven.

The more digital strategies and campaigns you can produce, the more profit you’ll see. Some examples of popular digital strategy campaigns are email marketing blasts, webinars, and podcasts, but let’s start with the quickest jump-start tools to get your new marketing efforts off the ground and in front of consumers.

1. Always Be Creating

To stay relevant, provide informational content about your company through blog posts, articles, “how-to” content, videos, charts, and more. Content allows your audience to visualize themselves with your brand, product, or service.

An increase in content distribution will ultimately generate leads getting you one step closer to your sale. By now, you’ve established a credible team that creates necessary content to close your deal.

2. Use Search Engines to Bring Leads

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a technique to improve your website’s rankings on search engines like Google. Your presence within SERPs (search engine results pages) depends on the quality of the content you publish on your web pages, blog posts, and even social media.

Smaller or start-up businesses can benefit from organic marketing and direct B2C or B2B interactions. Companies that have more leeway with their budget can turn to PPC (Pay-Per-Click) with relatively immediate results as paid ads sit on top of the organic search results. If your company has the means, this is a great method for increasing leads. The total you pay for the campaign stems from how many clicks your ads get.

3. Know Your Social Media

Social media can be seemingly simple, but there’s a lot of backend work that comes into play. Before you set a budget for your digital marketing efforts, make sure you know the ins and outs of social media and your presence on the various platforms.

Whether you choose Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat (the list goes on), build your profile to reflect your company’s value. Post and promote products, specials, and services through pictures and videos. The more you engage with your audience (such as responding to customer comments on a post), the better your reputation and the more eyes on your brand.

Picking the right digital strategy is like pairing your dinner with a glass of wine. The resources you choose are based on the audience you want to reach and complement each other.

4. Cross-Market Your Campaigns

Combine the strategies you’ve learned to reach a larger audience. Done correctly, your digital marketing efforts across different channels can interact well with one another.

Include social media icons within your email marketing campaigns to bring them straight to your company profiles. Place a link on one of your latest social posts to bring them to a helpful blog post. The more you interact with and engage your audience, the more ROI you’ll see.


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