
Social media accelerates business growth and relevance

By December 6, 2021 No Comments

The most powerful tool for digital marketers is social media. Strong, growing brands use social media to drive all parts of a growing business: Sales, marketing, customer service, and e-commerce.

Fifty percent of consumers have increased their social media usage in the past six months, and seven out of 10 Malaysians use social media. More than 1,000 social marketers were surveyed by Best Web for a better understanding of goals, metrics, and use of social media data in business.

  1. Social media fuels bottom-line growth.
  • 89% of consumers say they will buy from a brand they follow on social media
  • 84% will choose that brand over a competitor
  • 75% of consumers say they’ll increase their spending with brands they follow on social
  1. Brand awareness remains a top priority
  • 69% of social marketers say increasing brand awareness is their number one goal for social media
  • 52% say increasing web traffic is their top priority
  • 46% say growing their audience is their number one goal
  1. Marketers are not using social data to its full potential
  • While 56% of all social marketers use social data to better understand their target audience, there’s a huge opportunity to do more with the data at their disposal.
  • Only 23% of social marketers use social data to measure ROI
  • 16% use social data for competitive insights
  1. Visual social platforms are popular with younger consumers
  • 73% of members of Generation Z said Instagram
  • 65% said they plan to spend more time on YouTube
  1. Creativity separates great brands from the rest
  • 61% of consumers say brands that are best in class on social know how to engage their audience


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